Coordination Models and Technologies for Internet
Agents, a Tutorial. The SAINT 2001 Version. (Joint work with Andrea Omicini)
- 1st IEEE Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications/Mobile Agents,
Palm Spring (CA), October 1999.
- 4th ACM Conference on Autonomous Agents, Barcelona (E), June 2000.
- 2nd European Agent Systems Summer School, Saarbrucken (D), August
- 2nd IEEE Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications/Mobile Agents,
Zurich (CH), September 2000.
- 1st IEEE Symposium on Applications and the Internet, San Diego (CA),
January 2001.
Context-Dependent Coordination of Mobile Internet Agents, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. Bologna, October 2001.
Exploiting XML for Coordinable Document Agents, Tutorial given at the ACM Conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation, Snowbird (UTAH), June 2001. (Joint Work with Paolo Ciancarini)
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Tutorial given at the 4th European Agent Systems Summer School, Bologna, July 2002. (Joint Work with Federico Bergenti and Onn Shehory)
Simulation and Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Invited Plenary Talk at the "Dagsthul Seminar on Grand Challenges for Modeling and Simulation", Dagsthul Castle (Saar, D), August 2002.
Challenges in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Invited Talk at the 4th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multiagent Systems, Malaga (E), November 2002.
Spray Computers: Frontiers of Self-Organization for Pervasive Computing, Tutorial at the 1st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, Forth Worth (TX), March 2003.
Self-Organization and Spatial Abstractions in Modern Distributed Computing, Invited Plenary Talk at the 13th IEEE WETICE Conference, Modena (I), June 2004.
Engineering Emergent Behaviors, Invited Plenary Talk at the 1st International Conference on Self-organization for Multiagent and Grid Systems, Glasgow (UK), December 2005.
Autonomic Communication: a Booster for Next Generation Pervasive Ecologies, Panel Talk at the 4th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication, Pisa (I), March 2006.
Self-organizing Services for Browsing the World, Invited Talk at the 15th EUROMICRO Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Napoli (I), February 2007.
Browsing the World in the Sensors' Continuum, Invited Talk at the FET Workshop on Pervasive Adaptation, Bruxelles (B), February 2007.
The Sensors' Continuum: Challenges for Middleware Research, Invited Talk at the International Conference on Mobile Middleware, Innsbruck (A), February 2008.
Self-organized Knowledge Networks for Pervasive Autonomic Services, Invited Talk at the EU International Workshop on Future Internet Architecture Research and Experimentation, Torino (I), March 2008.
Towards Eternally Adaptive Service Ecosystems, Invited Talk at the International Conference on Intelligent Distributed Computing, Catania (I), September 2008.
Architecture and Metaphors for Eternally Adaptive Service Ecosystems, Invited Course at the DECOI International School on Design of Collective Intelligence, Leiden (NL), February 2009.
Self-awareness in Autonomic Systems, Invited Talk at the 2009 ICT Conference, Session on Self-awareness, Lyon (F), December 2009.
Self-awareness: a Key Component of Future Autonomic Services, Invited Talk at the 2009 MALLOW International Conference, Torino (I), November 2009.
Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems, Invited Lecture for the AWARENESS Virtual Lecture Series, November 2011.
Mobility in Future Socio-Technical Urban Organisms: From Sensing to Steering, Invited Talk at the PerMoby Workshop @PerCom, March 2012.
Reconciling Self-Adaptation and Self-Organization, Invited Plenary Talk at the 6th Symposium on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Zurich (CH), June 2012.
Engineering Socio-Technical Urban Superorganisms, Invited Talk at the BIONETICS 2012 Conference, Lugano (CH), December 2012.
Engineering Collective Intelligence in Urban Superorganisms, Invited Plenary Talk at the PFIA Conference, Lille (F), July 2013.
From Smart Cities to Urban Superorganisms, Invited Talk at the Annual Conference of the Academia Europaea, Wroclaw (PL), September 2013.
Self-organizing Collective Behaviours in Smart Cities,Invited Talk at the 2nd International SASO Workshop on Foundations of Collective Intelligence, London (UK), September 2014".
Coordination Infrastructures for Smart Mobility Services, Invited Talk at the IBM Research Center Dublino, Dublin (IR), Maggio 2015.
Coordination in Very Large-Scale Multiagent Systems, Invited Talk at the 18th International Conference on Principle and Practice of Multiagent Systems, Bertinoro (I), Ottobre 2015.
Mobility Coordination in Urban-Scale Socio-Technical Systems, Invited Talk at the International Conference on Mobile Middeware, Torino (I), Dicembre 2016.
Self-organizing Coordination for the IoT, Invited Talk at the 19th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, Madrid (S), June 2016.
Distributed Speaking Objects as Massive Multiagent Systems, Invited Talk at the 2nd International Workshop on Massive Multiagent Systems, Stokholm (SW), June 2018.
Coordinating Distributed Speaking Objects, Invited Talk at the PerCom Workshop on Information Quality and Quality of Service for Pervasive Computing, Kyoto (J), March 2019.
Distributed Speaking Objects: a New Paradigm for the IoT, Invited Talk at the International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, Napoli (I), October 2019.