
FoCAS EU FP7 (2013-2016)
The FoCAS coordination action is an umbrella project which aims to integrate,
coordinate and help increase visibility for research carried out in the
FOCAS Proactive Initiative
and in research fields related to collective adaptive systems.
Project Website

AMBIT IT (2014-2016)
AMBIT (Algorithms and Models for Building context-dependent Information delivery Tools)
is a project funded by Fondazione cassa di Risparmio di Modena,
which aims at studying and develop a software architecture for the development of applications
and systems context-aware, that is means able to provide users with services
that can be customized on the base of the context where they are exploiting them.
Project Website

ASCENS EU FP7 (2010-2014)
The goal of the ASCENS project is to build ensembles in a way that combines
the maturity and wide applicability of traditional software engineering approaches
with the assurance about functional and non-functional properties provided by
formal methods and the flexibility, low management overhead, and optimal
utilization of resources promised by autonomic, adaptive, self-aware systems.
Project Website

SAPERE EU FP7 (2010-2013)
The SAPERE project has developed a highly-innovative theoretical and practical
framework for the decentralized deployment and execution of self-aware and
adaptive services for future and emerging pervasive network scenarios.
Project Website

AWARE EU FP7 (2010-2013)
Awareness is a Coordination Action that provides a supportive environment
for research into self-awareness in autonomic systems, helping to create
a well-connected community of researchers and conveying a coherent prospect
to a wider scientific and technological audience.
Project Website

CASCADAS EU FP6 (2006-2009)
CASCADAS main goal is developing an autonomic component-based framework
to enable composition, execution and deployment of innovative services capable
of flexing and coping with unpredictable environments by dynamically self-adapting
to situation evolutions.
Project Website
MEnSA IT MIUR PRIN (2007-2009)
The main objective of MEnSA is the creation of agent-oriented software
engineering methodologies that support the development of complex software systems.
The methodologies will assist the whole development processs, from the requirements
analysis to the actual implementation of the systems, using a metamodel-based approach.
The expected result is a contribute in filling the existing gap between agent-oriented
methodologies and multi-agent technologies and infrastructures.
Project Website